MOLLE stands for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment. They are the military gear standard that allows soldiers to customize their packs with various pouches and pockets. It also makes it easier for soldiers to find what they need in a hurry by storing items in specific places. It was developed by the US Army in response to the failure of the old ALICE system, which fell apart when soldiers were crawling through tunnels or climbing trees. MOLLE has been used extensively in the military. It’s a feature of almost all new outdoor gear, so even if you’re not an active service member, there are plenty of reasons you should consider using it too!
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MOLLE stands for Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment. The system allows you to customize your backpack with various pouches and pockets. It also makes it easier for you to find what you need in a hurry by storing items in specific places. You can use it for your everyday carry bag and for bags meant for travel. Since it’s a military gear standard, tons of bags are already coming with MOLLE loops. You can use MOLLE pouches and accessories with all of them.
Why Use MOLLE?
MOLLE bags are versatile and flexible. They are easily customizable and can be used for a wide variety of scenarios, ranging from hiking to traveling to just your everyday carry bag. You can attach extra pouches to your bag to store items. MOLLE bags are built to last and are very sturdy. You can use them for long hikes and travels and expect them to last for years. MOLLE bags can be very affordable, so you can find them in all price ranges.
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EDC stands for everyday carry. If you’re a frequent traveler, you’ll know how important it is to have a go-bag that has all the essentials you need. Since this is your EDC bag you can store things like your laptop, books, and other everyday items. If your backpack has an admin panel on the outside, you can use it to store smaller items you need at the ready like a snack or even just your meds.
Cable Management Pouch
Cables and cords can be extremely annoying to store. They always seem to tangle up with each other and get caught around your other items. A cable management pouch is the perfect solution to this problem, as it allows you to neatly store your cables and keep them out of the way. You can use cable ties to keep them together without worrying they will get tangled. A cable management pouch is a great solution to help you stay organized. You can store all your charging cables, headphones, and USB cables in one pouch. It makes it easier to stay organized and keeps your bag clean and free from tangles.
Water Bottle Pouch
Hydration is key in this life. Having a water bottle in your MOLLE backpack is an easy way to do that. Keeping a water bottle pouch is the best way to keep it safe and clean, and it also makes it easy for you to access it when you need to drink water. Keep in mind that you can store bigger water bottles in the pouch, but you can also use them for storing soda bottles and cans. You can store energy drinks, coffee, tea, and other drinks with a leak-proof seal in the pouch. It’s an easy way to stay hydrated.
First Aid kit
First aid kits are essential when you’re traveling, especially if you’re going hiking. You never know when you might stumble across an injury, and it’s best to be prepared. A first aid kit can help you treat minor injuries, including cuts and blisters. You can store your first aid kit inside a dedicated pouch of your MOLLE backpack. It’s an easy way to keep it safe and at the ready. There are many types of first aid kits available on the market. You should choose a kit that has all the items you need and that works best for you.
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In this day in age, you might need to charge your devices throughout the day. The best way to do that when you’re away from an electrical plug is to carry a battery backup. You can keep your battery backup in a pouch and run the cable out of the pouch so you can still use your devices. I like to keep the largest battery backup I own so I can charge my tablet and phone in one charge.
Pen and notebook pouch
If you like to doodle or write down ideas whenever you travel, you can store your pens and notebooks in a pouch. I also use the pouch for storing my important documents when I am traveling I like to keep my boarding passes, passport, or other travel tickets I might have. You can store your pens and notebooks in a pouch on the outside of your bag. It’s an easy way to stay organized and keep your bag clean.
Flashlight and Knife Pouch
If you are like me you always want to have a flashlight and a knife on you however you might not have the pocket space. I like to keep a rechargeable flashlight and a knife in my bag so that if I need them they are easy to access. You can also get a spare mag pouch however I am not a fan of this idea as you are alerting people you might have your CHL.
Get your tactical weapon lights at Brownells.com by clicking here!MOLLE bags are versatile and flexible
They are easily customizable and can be used for a wide variety of scenarios, ranging from hiking to traveling. MOLLE bags are built to last and are very sturdy. They can be used for long hikes, travels, or just as your daily carry bag. They are also very affordable.