When it comes to drinking beer, there’s even more variety than you might think. In addition to the usual lager and ale you might find at a bar or restaurant, there are different styles of beer that exist with their own unique characteristics. These differences often come down to the type of hops used in the brewing process. While many varieties use the same basic ingredients such as water and malted barley, each has its own signature taste, aroma, appearance, and ABV (alcohol by volume) level. If you’re ready to get acquainted with this fascinating world of craft beer then keep reading. This guide covers everything you need to know about what types of beers exist and which ones you should be drinking if you want to explore this hobby further.
What Are The Different Types of Beer?
When deciding which beers to purchase, knowing what the different types of beer are will be helpful. Knowing the different kinds of beer is critical to consuming the correct amount of beer and avoiding negative impacts on your health and well-being. You will also find it interesting to learn about the different kinds of beer available and which ones are most popular at various times.
Pale Ale
Pale ales are often gold in color and are light-bodied. They are often quite dry with a low hop aroma and bitterness. They are very popular in England where they are often referred to as a “porch” or “pub” beer as they are often consumed outside pubs. Pale ales are generally easy to drink and affordable.
Stouts are dark brown and quite heavy with sweet richness and heavy body. They are often complex with many different flavors such as caramel, toffee, and roasted malt. They are often full-bodied with a high ABV and are usually very smooth though some lighter versions exist. Stout is a fairly recent style that originated in Ireland in the 19th century. Once considered a type of beer for “stout” (or heavy) drinkers, it’s now more popular among those who want a richer, heavier beer with more complex flavors.
Pilsners are light-colored, dry, and bitter with a low hop aroma and low bitterness. They are light-bodied with a very low ABV. The original Pilsner is brewed in the town of Pilsen in the Czech Republic. In the United States, there are a few low ABV pale lagers that are brewed in the style of Pilsners. Pilsners are a popular style in summer and fall as they are refreshing and easy to drink.
Amber Ale
Amber ales are often golden brown in color and medium bodied with a malty sweetness balanced by an earthy hop flavor. Most amber ales are quite malty though there are also a few Session (or India) ales that are lighter in flavor. Amber ales are usually fairly easy to drink with a malty sweetness balanced by an earthy hop finish. They are usually fairly low in alcohol though some are higher in ABV. Amber ales are often served with a darker beer such as a stout or porter to balance out the sweetness.
Brown Ale/Bock
Brown ales are dark brown to almost black in color and medium to full-bodied. They are quite malty and sweet with a rich toffee flavor and low to medium hop bitterness. Bocks are often aged for several months in barrels that impart flavors such as vanilla and whiskey. Bocks are often served ice cold with a sugared rim of brown in the glass. They are often quite strong and therefore very filling though some lighter versions exist. Brown ales are a rich, filling, and complex style that is often aged for several months in wooden barrels giving them a complex flavor.
Other Types of Beer
Belgian ales and wheat beers are also quite popular and considered to be a type of “white beer”. Fruit ales are also growing in popularity. Some countries such as Scotland also have their own unique styles of beer. It’s important to remember that beer is a broad term. Different countries and even different breweries will produce beers that are quite different from each other. It’s important to try beers from many different breweries and countries to see what’s out there.
How To Enjoy Beer In Type
The best way to enjoy this vast variety of beers is to try a new type every time you go to the bar. If you’re overwhelmed by the thought of trying a new type, look for a beer that you know and like. There’s nothing wrong with re-creating your favorite beer drinking experience with a tried and true type. You should also try to drink beer in type during certain times of the year. In the winter, you might want to drink a rich, warming ale while in the summer you might want to try a lighter, refreshing beer. This will help you to get the most out of your beer-drinking experience.
Which Beers To Look For In Type
The best way to find out what types of beers are available in your area is to ask your local bar/restaurant. You might also want to look online at beer rating sites such as BeerAdvocate or RateBeer. Once you know what types of beer are available to you, be sure to look for those that interest you. Try to find out what other people in your area think is good and buy them when you see them on tap or in bottles. This will help you to explore this exciting new world of beer.
As you can see, there’s more to beer than just drinking lager and ale. The best way to get started is to try a new type of beer every time you go out for a drink. You should also try to find out what types of beer are available to you and try to drink them when they are available. The more you drink in type, the better you’ll get at determining what beers are good and what types you enjoy. If you do this, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a true beer connoisseur in no time!