In offices all over the world, desk workers spend most of their day sitting. After all, that’s where the desk comes in. Even though studies have shown that too much sitting is bad for your health and could lead to premature death, most people continue to opt for sitting at a desk for most of the day. Fortunately, there are ways to make this less unhealthy — even if you work in an office with a standard desk. A standing desk is one such way to help counteract some of the negative effects of sitting all day, and these benefits might convince you to get one for yourself as well:

Muscles Stay Stronger
Sitting all day can make your muscles weaker, which could lead to joint problems and back pain in the long run. Even people who do regular exercise might not notice this happening because it’s a subtle process that doesn’t happen overnight. The good news is that standing up (and moving around) throughout the day can help prevent this from happening. All in all, using a standing desk is one of the most effective ways to prevent your muscles from weakening — even if you don’t have time to exercise.
Stand Up For a Healthier, Happier, and more Productive Life.Standing burns more calories.
The extra effort required to stay standing (rather than sitting) burns a few more calories every hour. The amount isn’t huge, but it’s there. In the long run, this could add up and help you lose weight. Standing also helps prevent blood sugar spikes, which could prevent or delay diabetes. Furthermore, standing burns more calories than you might think — even if you don’t do any other activity throughout the day. For example, researchers have found that standing instead of sitting burns about 41 extra calories every hour, while standing and walking burns about 68 extra calories per hour.
Standing desks help with chronic pain.
People often sit when they’re dealing with chronic pain. This could be due to the fact that it’s easier to do so, sitting all day could make the pain worse, whereas standing could help ease it. While these effects might seem small, they could be significant for people dealing with chronic pain. In addition, standing desks could help by making it easier to break up your daily routine and change positions.
Build Your Standing Desk and Boost Your Health & Productivity at the Best Price.Standing desks can boost your productivity.
Using a standing desk could help you focus better and get more done in less time — simply by virtue of taking breaks and moving around more often. Furthermore, even if you don’t notice any changes, your colleagues might notice. If you’re standing while they’re sitting, people might perceive you as more confident and energetic. This could help them trust you more and follow your lead more easily.
Standing desks are usually easy to adjust.
If you visit your local office supply store, you’ll find a wide variety of standing desks. Some of them are simply adjustable desks that let you switch between sitting and standing positions easily. Other standing desks are full-size desks that are entirely standing-friendly. In either case, a standing desk is easy to adjust and use. If your company doesn’t have the budget for new desks, you could also use a standing desk converter to turn your existing desk into one. A standing desk converter could be a simple shelf that you put on the edge of your desk or a more complex device that mounts to your desk and raises the surface to a standing level.
Get Your FREE & FAST Standing Desk Bulk Order Quote For Your Business!Studies have shown that sitting too much is bad for your health
Fortunately, there are ways to counteract the negative effects of sitting, including using a standing desk. A standing desk is one of the most effective ways to prevent your muscles from weakening, and it can also help boost your productivity. All in all, a standing desk could help you live a healthier and more productive life — even if you don’t have time to exercise.