Anyone who has spent any time around a DIY project knows that you need the right tool kit. You can spend hours trying to figure out how to finish that cabinet or finish that piece of furniture, and without the right tools, it will be next to impossible. Not only can having the right tools make your projects go more smoothly but if you don’t have access to those tools you’re probably going to have a hard time finishing your DIY project at all. That’s why it’s so important to buy a basic tool kit. Not only will it give you everything you need for your DIY projects, but it will also prevent you from spending more money in the future trying to finish that project again. Here are 7 things that anyone should have when buying their first DIY tool kit:

A Tape Measure
The tape measure is something that seems obvious to have in any house but there are a few things to consider when picking up a tape measure, such as length and fraction ticks. The length of the tape measure is something that can be easily overlooked because it is just a measuring tape, but the length of the tape will determine how far you can reach without having to move There are also some things to consider when looking at the fractions on a tape measure. The tapes with fractions written out will allow for more accurate measurements and in some cases, you might need these for certain projects.
A toolbox is not complete without this basic tool in order to complete home improvement projects or repairs around the house. Without a measuring tape, it would be near impossible to complete a lot of tasks.
A Set of Screwdrivers
While everyone knows you’re going to need a pair of screwdrivers, many people don’t buy a set. There are definitely disadvantages to not having a pair of screwdrivers at home. For example, if you need to remove a screw from a piece of furniture or a wall while moving, you won’t have anything that fits the screw. Having a set of screwdrivers at home will make it much easier to deal with these situations. You’ll also be able to use them to repair things around the house if you have to. Having a set of screwdrivers is also useful if you find yourself in situations where you need to repair things like bicycles or outdoor items.
Levels are a tool that most DIYers should have if for no other reason than to hang photos and wall art. At the beginning of a project, you’ll find yourself trying to create a level line to follow or trying to line up two walls so that you can attach something like a shelf. Having a level will make these situations much easier. If you don’t have a level, you’ll have to make a measurement that may not be exact.
A good pair of pliers are perfect for working with everything from wiring to pulling nails. There are many types of pliers ranging from needle nose to lineman, slip joint, and tongue and groove pliers. They all have different uses and having at least a pair of needle nose and tongue and groove (sometimes referred to as Channellocks) will handle most of your everyday tasks.
Hammers are a tool that can be used for a lot of different things. You can use them for driving nails into wood, striking chisel marks into the wood, knocking out drywall, and many other things. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a hammer that’s appropriate for the task you’re trying to complete. A sledgehammer is definitely not the best choice for quickly driving in a few nails.
Cordless Drill
A cordless drill is probably one of the most important things you can have when it comes to DIY. Drills are used to quickly and easily make holes in wood, metal, and other materials. If you’re planning on doing any projects that involve drilling holes or driving in screws, you’ll want to make sure you have a drill. They have become a relatively inexpensive tool to add to your DIY kit
Socket Set
A set of socket wrenches is used to loosen or tighten nuts and bolts on different things around the house. You may need to loosen or tighten a pipe to changing the battery in your car, or even to mount your new 85″ flatscreen to the wall. Having the right size sockets for the job will make everything worlds easier.
Anyone who has tried to do any kind of DIY project knows how important a tool kit is. That’s why it’s important to buy a basic tool kit when you first start doing any kind of home repair or remodeling work. You want to make sure that you have the right tools to get your job done properly, and you don’t want to waste money buying more expensive tools that you don’t end up using. This article will walk you through the things that you need to make sure you have in your DIY tool kit.