Wanting us to review a product?
If you are a product manufacturer or rep and you are interested in Atticus James reviewing your product on AtticusJames.com You can shoot us an email using the contact form below. We are open to working on most any project and would love to talk more with you on what you are looking for.
All Opinions and Thoughts Are My Own.
All opinions are my own. If a product reviewed is sent by an outside source and not purchased on my own dime a disclaimer at the top of the article will be published. (See disclaimer page here)

Requests to the manufacturers
I always appreciate swag (T-shirts, stickers, pens, etc.). If the review has images or video of someone using the product we will try to include the T-shirt in the media.
I request tracking codes if possible when a product ships.
More info
- If you would like a copy of my review prior to publish please include that information in the request email.
- If I have a problem with your product and I do not feel I can provide a review that shows your company or product in a good light, I will forward you my thoughts and let you determine if you would still like to see the review published.
- We cannot and will not guarantee what all the review will include. (I take account of all factors when I review a product to insure the best review I can possibly produce)
- We do offer ad space on the website. If you want to know more please let me know.
- A photocopy of my drivers license available upon request to verify my legal age if the product is alcohol.
- Product images and possible videos will be shared on Instagram and Twitter.
- Sponsored and paid review opportunities are available, please feel free to email me with your ideas.