Men face a unique form of hair loss. While women tend to experience it in the form of androgenetic alopecia, a type of hair loss that occurs due to hormonal imbalance, men have a slightly different problem – male pattern baldness (or MPB, as it’s sometimes referred to). As you might know already, the male scalp produces more hair follicles than females. In addition, male hormones such as testosterone cause an increased rate of hair growth in certain areas of the body, which is why men tend to have more body and facial hair than women do. Because of this, MPB tends to appear more frequently in men than women.

What is Male Pattern Baldness?
Male pattern baldness is the patterned decline of hair that occurs on the crown of the head, usually in men around their 30s. It’s an inherited condition that causes an excess of hair to be shed from the scalp. In clinical terms, it’s called androgenetic alopecia, which is Latin for “balding due to androgens.” Hair loss in men occurs as part of the body’s normal process of hair growth and decline. It’s a normal part of getting older, and men don’t need to worry about it negatively impacting their appearance.
Causes of Hair Loss in Men
The exact cause of hair loss in men isn’t completely understood, but it’s thought to be due to the concentration of certain hormones in the scalp that can cause hair follicles to shrink and stop producing hair. Studies have found that people with male pattern baldness have a higher than normal amount of testosterone in the scalp. In addition, a genetic predisposition, as well as certain health conditions, can also play a role. Some of the most common causes of hair loss in men are detailed below. – Genetic Predisposition –
Male pattern baldness is often inherited, and it’s thought that certain genes can cause an excess of testosterone to be released into the scalp. – Hormonal Imbalance – Certain medications and disorders that affect the endocrine system can also cause hair loss in men. – Certain Medical Conditions – If you’ve got a health condition such as an underactive thyroid, diabetes, or high cholesterol, it might be responsible for causing male pattern baldness.
Tips for preventing hair loss in men
Keeping a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, staying active, and getting regular check-ups with your doctor are all great ways to stay healthy and keep your hair strong throughout life. They’re also important when it comes to preventing hair loss in men. – Eat a Healthy Diet – Certain foods, like the ones listed below, can increase the production of testosterone in your body, which can cause hair loss. – Limit Your Intake of Alcohol – Excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to alopecia, and it can also cause poor sleep and an increase in testosterone. – Keep Stress at Bay – High-stress levels can negatively affect the production of certain hormones in the body, which has been found to be one of the causes of hair loss. – Get Enough Sleep – Sleep is an essential biological process that is needed for the body to function optimally.
How to treat male pattern baldness
First, you should always talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for you but you can also look into products such as Minoxidil solution or more commonly known as Rogaine. This is a product that can be applied directly to the scalp and it works to stimulate blood flow to the scalp. This causes hair follicles to receive more nutrients which in turn increases the rate of hair growth. You should allow about 2-3 months for this treatment to start working but it will continue to work for several months after you stop using it.
Another option would be Propecia which is also known as finasteride, this is an oral medication that will work by blocking DHT from binding with hair follicles which will then slow down the rate at which your hair falls out. This is not something that you want to take long-term as there are some side effects associated with taking it such as impotence and loss of libido and so men who take this medication need to use other methods of treating male pattern baldness in addition to taking Propecia.
Hair loss in men is common, but you don’t have to let it get you down. There are plenty of effective products available that can help restore your hair. Whether you’re looking for ways to prevent hair loss in men or ways to treat it, you’ll find exactly what you’re looking for below.