Vodka is one of the most versatile liquors you can have in your home bar. Not only can it be mixed with other spirits to create a variety of cocktails, but it also has its own shelf life when infused with other flavors. In this article, you will learn how to infuse your own vodka and have an endless supply of flavors at home. Here are three easy steps that you need to follow if you want to make your own infused vodka.

What You Will Need
– A jar or bottle – You will need to find a jar or bottle that will seal tightly. Ideally, it should also be made of glass. This will protect your infusion from light and contamination.
– Vodka – You need to use neutral-flavored vodka as your base. Flavored vodkas tend to overpower the other flavors.
– Flavoring – Pick your flavor wisely. Some flavors like citrus require a bit longer infusion time. Others like cinnamon are best when infused for shorter periods.
Step 1: Select your flavor
– Aromatics like cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom can be infused with vodka. The amount of time required will depend on the intensity of the aroma. 24 hours to 7 days.
– Citrus flavors work well when infused into vodka. Lemon, lime, and orange peels can be added to vodka to create a refreshing drink. 5-7 days for best results
– Herbal flavors like mint, lavender, and basil are best when added during the last 10 hours of your infusion.
– Sweet flavors like vanilla, coffee beans, and chocolate are best when infused into vodka 3-7 days for best results
– Spice flavors like chili peppers and peppercorns are best when infused for a short period of time. 12-24 hours we have found to be best for spicier flavors.
Step 2: Prepare your vodka and flavor mixture
– Add your variety of spices, herbs, fruits, or coffee beans as your flavor, then pour the vodka over your flavors in the jar or bottle.
– Seal the bottle or jar and shake it for about one minute. This will allow flavor components to settle and help to infuse into the vodka.
– Place the bottle or jar in a dark place and let it stand for the required amount of time.
Step 3: Wait…And enjoy!
Once the required time has passed, transfer the vodka to a clean, bottle and store it in a cool place.
– Keep in mind that the longer you infuse, the stronger the flavor will be.
– You can use the flavored vodka in various cocktails to experiment.
Tips & Warnings
– Flavors like chili peppers, citrus, and herbs will impart a tingling sensation when you drink the vodka.
– When using strong flavors like chili peppers, you might want to consider mixing them with other ingredients. We love mixing up fresh jalapeno and lime vodka in the summertime. For the fall I will make a batch of cardamom, black pepper, ginger, whole cloves, star anise, and cinnamon (Masala Vodka) vodka. I like to add this to my homemade coffee liquor and put cream on top for a fall-flavored white Russian.
– You can experiment with different flavors that you like.
– Use a neutral-flavored (plain) vodka to make sure your infusion has a balanced flavor.
– You should select a jar or bottle that can seal tightly to avoid any contamination.
– The longer you infuse, the stronger the flavor will be.
– Vodka is an alcohol that is made by distilling fermented potatoes or grains like wheat or corn.
An Endless Supply of Flavors at Home
You now have the steps to infuse your own vodka and have an endless supply of flavors at home. This is a simple and inexpensive way to wow your guests at your next party or just to have a great drink at home. What flavors do you want to try infusing? Let us know in the comments down below.