Keeping your garden tools in good working condition is essential if you have a yard to keep. Without proper maintenance, your garden tools may not last as long as you’d like. However, regular maintenance can help extend the life of your tools and keep them in shape for many more seasons to come. Keeping your garden tools oiled can also extend their life by keeping rust at bay. Keeping your tools lubricated helps prevent rust build-up that can lead to breakage. The main benefit of keeping your garden tools oiled is that it protects against metal oxidation and corrosion. How do you know if it’s time to oil your garden tools? Here are some signs that might indicate it’s time to oil:

Rusty Tools
Rust on tools is a common problem that is often caused by a lack of lubrication. When you use your tools without lubricating them, rust may form. Rust, which is iron oxidation, can clog up your tools and damage the metal. It can also leave a brownish tint on your tool that stains other tools. There are several ways you can prevent this from happening. In dry conditions, you can lubricate your tools frequently with a little all-in-one oil, motor oil, or WD-40. When you’re not using your tools, store them in a container with a few drops of oil. This prevents the tools from drying out and getting rusty.
You Notice That Parts Frequently Become Stuck
When you use your tools, you may notice that often one part of the tool — such as a hook, blade, or screw — gets stuck. This may be due to a build-up of rust on that part of the tool. Oiling can help prevent this type of problem.
Tips On How To Oil Your Garden Tools
There are a few key guidelines when it comes to oiling your tools. First, you should store your tools in a dry place where they’re not exposed to the elements. Also, it’s worth oiling your tools regularly if you haven’t done so recently. You can also oil your tools in the fall and winter when you’re not using them as you don’t have to do it as often in the spring and summer when they’re being used.
How Often Should You Oil Your Garden Tools?
The best way to know if you need to oil your tools is to inspect them regularly. You should oil them every few months. Simply remove the dirt and dust from your tools and apply a few drops of oil onto the surface of the tool. Next, wipe the oil off with a rag and you are good to go.
What Type Of Oil Should You Use?
There are many different types of oil that you can use for your tools. However, you can use almost any light oil as long as it doesn’t leave any residue. You could use all-in-one oil, mineral oil, or even WD-40.
How Much Oil Should You Use?
There are no set rules on how much you should use, but it’s worth remembering that it should be enough to cover the tool completely. Make sure that you don’t overdo it and use too much oil so that it doesn’t become a gooey mess.
Regularly oiling your tools will help them last longer. properly maintained tools will be there for many years to come and help you save a few bucks when you are working on the yard.
Protect your tools – lubricant on blades and handles to prevent rust, corrosion, water damage, and residues of sap and dirt. and INCREASE LONGEVITY