New relationships can be thrilling, especially when that person is particularly intriguing. However, they are also tricky because you don’t know as much about the other person yet. Therefore, it’s important to keep your guard up in case things go south. To help you stay safe and wary of potential red flags, we listed 10 green and red flag signs to look for when you’re dating someone new. Doing so will enable you to see past their endearing qualities and get a better understanding of who they really are. The sooner you discover if someone is trustworthy or not, the safer your new relationship will be.

Flags to look for
- Be wary of: When a person constantly talks about their ex.
- Green flag: When they refuse to bring up an ex-partner to you, or if they do bring them up, they do so in a respectful way.
- Be wary of: When a person doesn’t have a job and doesn’t have plans to find one.
- Green flag: They have a reason for not having a job at the moment, such as being a full-time student, or caring for a loved one.
- Be wary of: When a person doesn’t have their own place to live.
- Green flag: They have a reason for not having their own place to live, such as being a full-time student, needing to save money or caring for a parent.
- Be wary of: When a person doesn’t have any friends.
- Green flag: They have a reason for not having any friends, such as having just moved to the area.
- Be wary of: When a person refuses to let you get to know their family or friends.
- Green flag: They have a reason for not introducing you to their family or friends, such as wanting to take things slowly.
- Be wary of: When a person overuses the words “I love you”, especially in the early stages of the relationship.
- Green flag: Their words and actions align with one another; they’re not saying those words to get something from you.
- Be wary of: When a person doesn’t value your time together.
- Green flag: They show you that they value your time together by being fully present when you’re together.
- Be wary of: When a person doesn’t show interest in your past.
- Green flag: They ask you lots of questions about your past because they’re interested in getting to know you better.
- Be wary of: When a person doesn’t try to understand your past experiences or why they may make you feel the way you do.
- Green flag: They ask you to explain your past experiences because they want to understand you better.
- Don’t be fooled by the charm of a charming person. Charming people are often very skilled at making a good first impression and talking their way out of sticky situations. The best way to see past their charm is to pay attention to the details and not be easily fooled by their words.
- Make sure to be cautious but also remember that everyone makes mistakes, including you. If a person doesn’t have a flawless past, that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re a bad person. It’s the way they respond to their past mistakes that reveals their true character.
- Keep these flags in mind when dating someone new to help you determine if they are someone worthy of your trust and attention. If you see any of these green signs in the person you’re dating, chances are they are a good person who will make a great partner for you.
Now Get Out There and Find Someone New
A partner who respects you and appreciates you for who you are is likely to be a better partner than someone who wants to change you. If a new partner doesn’t try to change you, rest assured that they are a keeper. Keep in mind that a person who respects your boundaries and isn’t constantly trying to win you over are green flag sign that your partner is trustworthy. Now that you know these green flags to look for when you’re dating someone new, it’s time to get out there and find your soulmate. Just remember to keep your guard up and you’ll be able to spot any red flags before they have a chance to do any damage.
You have to be open to finding love and be willing to take some risks. Put yourself out there, and you’ll eventually find someone who is right for you – someone who is excited about the same things you are, someone who respects you and your boundaries. Someone who loves and accepts you as you are.