I had to post this today because of how excited I am about the new blink-182 album. This has been the only thing playing in my office today.
I grew up on blink-182 and everyone of my ex girlfriends can tell you just which song is my all time favorite from blink-182. I can only give you a hint as to which album it is off of but not the song. Keep somethings to myself, (the hint is Take Off Your Pants and Jacket – blink-182)
I wanted to share my top three songs off the new album, California, which are in no particular order.
Teenage Satellites – blink-182
No Future – blink-182
Built This Pool – blink-182 [10 HOUR LOOP]
I like “Built This Pool” because it is just a throw back to funny songs like Family Reunion and Happy Holidays. All the others I would rather not mention at this time if you know what I mean.
Sadly, Tom Delong is off chasing aliens but I think Matt Skiba is doing a good job at keeping the band we all know and love, alive. He will never be Tom, but we wouldn’t want him to be anyways.