Going on a first date can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for men. While it’s natural to feel a little anxious, a few simple tips can help make sure the evening goes smoothly and is one you’ll both remember fondly. From choosing the right venue to putting your best foot forward, here are ten tips to ensure men nail the perfect first date.

Choose the Right Venue
What man hasn’t gone on a date to a restaurant and endured an excruciatingly long and uncomfortable meal? While many people like to eat out, it isn’t always the best choice for a first date. Large, noisy venues, like restaurants, can make conversation awkward, and are unlikely to allow you to get to know one another better. Instead, choose a venue that is more intimate and conducive to conversation. A coffee shop, cafe, or bar are all good options, as they are generally quieter and allow you to get to know one another better.
If you want to make your date special, consider an alternative venue. Visit a local exhibition, explore a new museum or book tickets to an interesting show. Not only will you find an alternative date idea more enjoyable and comfortable, but it will set you apart from the norm, making you stand out as a creative and interesting guy.
Dress Appropriately
While this should go without saying, the way you dress is sure to have an impact on the evening. If you are unsure of what the appropriate attire is, opt for smart casual. Choose an outfit that is clean and ironed, as well as comfortable enough to sit in for at least a couple of hours. This will help you appear confident and in control, while also ensuring the date isn’t marred by you fidgeting and squirming in your seat due to ill-fitting or uncomfortable clothing. Avoid wearing anything too restrictive, such as tight jeans, as well as anything too baggy that might make you feel self-conscious.
Listen and Ask Questions
It is all too easy to focus on what you want to say rather than truly listening to what your date has to say. Not only does this make you appear self-absorbed, but it will also make the evening feel as though it is all about you. Instead, try to actively listen to what your date has to say and show interest in what she has to say. Ask her questions about her life, her career, and her dreams and aspirations. Not only will this show her you are genuinely interested in getting to know her better, but it will also help you to open up and share some of your own interests and experiences. Listen carefully, and make sure you respond honestly to her questions.
Compliment Her
While it is important, to be honest, and genuine, there is a fine line between being genuine and being too forward. Make sure each compliment is genuine, and do not feel as though you have to lavish her with compliments, as this will likely come across as insincere. Start small and simple, with something as simple as her choice of outfit, or the color of her hair. Not only will this make her feel good about herself, but it will also help you to open up and let her know that you appreciate her.
Be Positive
While we are all for honesty and being yourself, it is important to remember that you are on a date to meet someone new and make a good impression. Be positive about yourself, but do not lie or exaggerate. Try to avoid sounding too critical of others or past partners, or making negative comments about your life and career. While you don’t have to be a walking ray of sunshine, it is important to maintain a level of positivity that will help the conversation flow and make your date feel good about being with you.
Show Interest in Her
If you want your date to feel as though you are truly interested in her, you have to show it. Make sure you pay attention to the things she says and makes an effort to remember details and facts. Ask follow-up questions, and show her that you have been paying attention and that you truly care about her interests and passions. Try to get to know her as a person, not just a date, and you’re sure to find the evening more enjoyable for both of you.
Make Conversation
While it is important to make sure you are actively listening, it is also important to make sure you are actively contributing to the conversation. Avoid bringing up topics that are too personal, or that might make your date feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. Try to steer the conversation to more neutral topics, such as current events, the weather, or popular culture. If the conversation starts to die down, try to think of a way to steer it back on track without seeming awkward and uncomfortable.
Have an Open Mind
It can be tempting to have an “ideal” image of the person you want to be dating but remember that, at the end of the day, you are both just people, looking for love. Realize that the person you are dating, just like you, is likely to have some flaws and faults, as well as unique and beautiful qualities. If you are too caught up in trying to find the “perfect” person, you may miss out on someone great. Let go of your preconceptions, and try to keep an open mind.
Make Her Feel Special
While we have mentioned that you should make your date feel as though you are interested in her as a person, it is also important to make her feel as though she is special to you. Make an effort to stand out from the crowd by doing something a little different, such as sending her a thoughtful gift or message. This will set you apart from other dates and show her that you care enough to go that extra mile.
End the Date on a High Note
It’s the end of the date, and you’re feeling confident. Now is the time to make sure you leave a lasting impression. Try to use the end of the date as an opportunity to make a move, such as asking for her number, or leaning in for a kiss. Be sure to make the move as smooth and confident as you can, and you are sure to leave her wanting more. Whether the evening ends with a kiss or a promise to go out again, make sure you end the date on a high note so your date remembers it fondly.
Going on a first date can be an intimidating experience for men, especially if they aren’t sure of the best way to approach it. With these ten tips, you are sure to make a great impression and help the date go smoothly and end on a high note. Going on a date can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially for men. By following these ten tips, you are sure to help the date go smoothly and end on a high note.