Hangovers are the worst; when you wake up feeling groggy and exhausted, you know you had one too many the night before. But don’t worry, there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you recover quickly from a hangover. From drinking lots of water to eating the right foods, there are various ways to get rid of the symptoms of a hangover. Here are 9 tips and tricks to help you recover fast, so you can get back to feeling your best.

Drink Plenty of Water
The first and most important thing you can do to recover from a hangover is to drink lots of water. Drinking water helps to rehydrate your body and flush out your system, which is exactly what you need when you have a hangover. Not only will it help to rehydrate your body, but it will also help you to feel less nauseous, which is one of the worst symptoms of a hangover. If you’re feeling pretty bad, you might want to think about upping your water intake even more. Some experts recommend drinking a gallon of water over the course of the day to help flush out your system, while others recommend drinking at least 2 glasses of water for every alcoholic beverage consumed. So if you had 4 drinks, you would want to drink at least 8 glasses of water.
Have a Nutritious Breakfast
The best thing you can do after a big night out is to eat a nutritious breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast will help you to feel less groggy and hungover, as well as provide you with the energy you need to start the day strong. When you wake up with a hangover, you want to choose low-sugar, non-wheat foods so your blood sugar doesn’t spike and cause you even more issues. As a general rule, try to avoid foods that are high in simple carbs, such as white bread and white rice. Instead, choose foods that are high in fiber and protein, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, or peanut butter and banana sandwiches. Other great options include yogurt, granola, eggs, and a vegetable smoothie.
When you’re dealing with a hangover, exercise may not seem like the best option, but it can help you to feel less groggy, sick, and tired. It can also help your body to flush the toxins and recover faster, which can mean you recover from your hangover faster, too. That being said, you don’t want to overexert yourself when you have a hangover, as that can lead to more issues, so choose a light form of exercise that is easy on your body. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for when you have a hangover. It’s easy on your body and can help you to clear your head and get your blood flowing. Other light exercise forms include yoga, stretching, and swimming.
Take a Shower
A hot shower might not seem like a great idea when you have a hangover, but it can help to ease your symptoms and make you feel better. Taking a shower can help you to relax and ease your nausea, which as we mentioned earlier is one of the worst symptoms of a hangover. Additionally, taking a shower can also help to flush out your system and rehydrate your body, which will help to get rid of your hangover even faster. Make sure you drink lots of water while you’re in the shower, as well, to stay hydrated and flush out your system. If you’re really not feeling up to it, you can always take a bath instead.
Take a Pain Reliever
When you wake up with a killer headache and a killer hangover, you might want to reach for an aspirin or ibuprofen to help ease your pain. But when you don’t want to take a pain reliever, come up with other ways to ease your pain. Taking a pain reliever might help your headache, but it will do nothing to ease your nausea, fatigue, or stomach aches. Try to take it easy and find other ways to deal with your pain so you can recover as quickly as possible. You might want to try sipping on some peppermint tea or lemon water to ease your nausea, fatigue, and stomach aches. You can also try taking some vitamins and minerals, like B vitamins. These are great for easing your hangover symptoms.
Eat the Right Foods
When you’re hungover, you want to avoid foods that contain a lot of sodium, as well as foods that are high in fat. Foods, like pizza and french fries, are tempting when you’re hungover, but they’ll only make you feel worse, so try to avoid them. Instead, focus on eating foods that are low in sodium, easy to digest, and full of vitamins and minerals. Some great foods to eat during a hangover include bananas, yogurt, granola, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, oatmeal, and vegetable smoothies. These foods will help to ease your nausea, ease your stomach aches, and provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to recover.
Get Some Sleep
The best cure for a hangover is sleep. So if you have the luxury of being able to sleep off your hangover, then do it. Sleep can help your body to recover, as well as ease your nausea and headaches, so try to get as much sleep as you possibly can. Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is recommended, but if you can get more than that, then even better. If you have to go to work or otherwise be active after a night out, try to take a nap during the day so your body can recover. If you can nap for at least an hour, you’ll be able to recover from your hangover significantly faster.
Avoid Alcohol
If you want to avoid having to deal with a hangover, avoid alcohol. While it’s true that you can avoid having a hangover by drinking lots of water, it’s also true that you can avoid having a hangover by not drinking alcohol at all. If you do drink a lot on one night, you can always take steps to recover from a hangover faster by limiting your alcohol intake and drinking lots of water. If you know you’re going to drink a lot the next day, try to pace yourself and drink less than you normally would. Avoid drinking alcohol in general and your hangover problems will disappear.
Take Supplements
When you’re recovering from a hangover, it’s important to get plenty of vitamins and minerals, as they will help your body to recover faster. Vitamins B6 and B12 are great vitamins to take when you have a hangover, as they help to regulate your nervous system, which will ease your nausea and headaches. Other vitamins and minerals to take when you have a hangover include vitamin C, iron, and magnesium.
These supplements will help to ease your pain, get rid of your headaches, and provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to recover from a hangover. Having a few go-to tips and tricks for when you have a hangover is a great idea. Having a plan of action to follow when you have a hangover can help you to feel better and recover faster. So be sure to keep these tips in mind the next time you have one too many drinks. When you do, you’ll be able to recover much faster and get back to feeling great.
Hangovers are the worst, but don’t worry – there are plenty of tips and tricks to help you recover faster. Drinking lots of water is the first and most important step while exercising and getting plenty of sleep is also helpful. Other important things to remember when recovering from a hangover include eating nutritious foods, avoiding mixing alcohol, and taking vitamin and mineral supplements. With these tips, you’ll be feeling better in no time.