Do you know what the best thing about being an adult is? You get to make your own decisions and live with the consequences. There are plenty of perks to being an adult, and one of them is that you have more freedom than ever before. Of course, there are downsides as well, such as having responsibilities like a mortgage or bills. However, one of the greatest benefits of adulthood is having friends who are also adults! Adult game nights are awesome because they’re so much fun – provided everyone plays responsibly. Check out why I bought a breathalyzer for my game nights!

Why I Bought A Breathalyzer For My Game Nights
I’ve been organizing game nights for a few years now, and I’ve noticed that some people sometimes have a few too many drinks. It’s great to be social and have a few drinks, but not everyone can handle their alcohol. In the past, we’ve had a few people who were too intoxicated to drive home. It’s not only dangerous, but it can also be illegal in some places like New York. I decided to buy a breathalyzer for my game nights to ensure that everyone can safely get home.
How Does A Breathalyzer Work?
A breathalyzer is a device that measures blood alcohol concentration or BAC. BAC is usually expressed as a percentage, and it’s the amount of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood. A breathalyzer is a handheld device that has a mouthpiece attached to it. You blow into the mouthpiece, and the device will measure the amount of alcohol in your breath. Some breathalyzers can also test for drugs in your system, such as cannabis. Most devices are very easy to operate since they have a user-friendly interface. You can also test your blood alcohol content using a blood or breath test. However, you won’t get accurate results until a few hours after you’ve consumed alcohol. A breathalyzer can tell you if you’re under the influence of alcohol immediately. If you’ve been drinking, you should wait a few hours before taking a blood test or driving.
No One Leaves Until They Take a Test
Let’s say you’re hosting your own game night, and a few of your friends are on their third or fourth drink. You want to know if they’re fit to drive home, but you don’t want to be a buzzkill by telling them to stop drinking. How can you let them know that it’s time to stop without being a jerk? Simple: have everyone take a breathalyzer test before they leave. No one has to know what the results are; they just have to know that they’re required before they can leave. This way, everyone can get their fill of beer or wine, and no one will be driving home drunk. If you don’t have a breathalyzer, you can also offer to drive your friends home, request they take an Uber, or just stay with them until they’re sober enough to drive home safely.
The Pro of Owning a Breathalyzer for Game Nights
One of the biggest pros of owning a breathalyzer for game nights is that it promotes safety and responsible drinking. Having one at a house party or a group gathering is like having the host stand at the door with a baseball bat. It sends a strong message that not everyone can come inside. It also tells guests that the host is serious about keeping the party safe. Having a breathalyzer at a game night can also bring people together. Friends can compare scores, and guests can socialize around the breathalyzer test. Some guests may also feel more comfortable at the game night if they know they can take a breathalyzer test. They may feel more comfortable because they don’t have to try to estimate how drunk they are. They can just use the breathalyzer test to find out their blood alcohol content.
Our Experience
Our experience owning a breathalyzer for game nights has been mostly positive. It’s a fun way to bring people together and encourage safe drinking. However, it’s important to note that breathalyzers aren’t infallible. They can’t accurately test for drugs, and certain medications can affect test results. If you decide to buy a breathalyzer, it’s important to choose one that meets your needs. There are a variety of breathalyzers available. You can read reviews and compare different products to find one that’s right for your group.