You’ve probably seen videos of cats going crazy over catnip before. After all, who can resist that weird and hilarious reaction from our feline friends? But why exactly do they react like that? Why do some cats love it but not others? Do all cats respond to the same type of catnip, or are there different kinds? And is there anything we can do to make our cats love catnip more than they currently do? Read on to discover everything you need to know about your kitty friend’s favorite plant.

What Is Catnip?
Catnip, or Nepeta cataria, is a plant in the mint family. It is native to Europe and Asia, but it is also cultivated in North America. It is an herb that grows in a variety of climates — which is why it can be grown in many parts of the world. People have been using catnip for thousands of years. It has been used in salads, teas, and even medicine. And, of course, it is also used to attract cats. Catnip is a member of the mint family, and it contains a chemical called nepetalactone. This chemical is what causes the bizarre reaction some cats have when they come across catnip for the first time.
Why Do Cats Love Catnip So Much?
Cats are very curious creatures — and they’re naturally inclined to be playful and energetic. But sometimes even the most active of cats can get a little lazy. Catnip, however, seems to be able to change all of that. Nepetalactone is the chemical responsible for it’s effects on cats. It is a mild hallucinogenic that can have a similar effect on cats as marijuana does on humans. It is this chemical that attracts cats to catnip and makes them so excited about the herb. When cats come into contact with nepetalactone, it activates pheromones that are usually only released when the cat is trying to attract a mate. As a result, cats who encounter catnip will often rub their heads against the plant and roll around on it.
Which Cats Are Most Likely to Be Responsive?
Cats who are more than two years old are likely to enjoy catnip. Kittens under two years old are less likely to respond to the herb, though they may still show some interest. As far as breed goes, the Siberian, Turkish, and British Shorthair are more likely to respond than other breeds. Regarding gender, females are more likely to enjoy it than males. According to some research, as many as 75% of female cats react to catnip. Only 25% of male cats are responsive to the herb.
How Can We Get Our Cats to Respond to it?
If you’re wondering if your cat will ever react to catnip, it’s possible that they already have and you just didn’t notice. If your cat has never shown any interest in catnip, there are a few things you can do to increase its responsiveness to the herb. First, make sure you’re buying catnip that is high quality. Dried and old catnip rarely has the same effect on cats as fresh herbs. If your cat has only ever shown a mild interest in catnip, you may want to try a stronger type. Most importantly, you want to give your cat plenty of chances to come across it.
Types of Catnip
Catnip is catnip, right? Well, technically, no. There are actually two different types of catnip — Nepeta Cataria and Nepeta Nepetas. Nepeta Cataria is the type you’ll find in most stores. It is the most popular type and is the one that most cats respond to. Nepeta Nepetas is a close relative of Nepeta Cataria. Although it is much less common than the first type, some cats prefer it over Cataria. There is also a third type called the Nepeta Hybrid. Hybrid catnip is a mix between Cataria and Nepetas. It is a hybrid of the two types and is becoming more popular every year.
Make Your Cats Go Crazy
Catnip is one of the most interesting herbs in the entire world. It’s an herb that can make even the most reserved of cats go absolutely crazy. Some cats even become aggressive when they come across it — so be careful if your cat is one of them. In most cases, however, it is a harmless and fun way to play with your cats. It’s a great way to bond with your cat and have fun together. So if you’ve never given your cat catnip before, you should definitely try it out.