It’s always a good idea to keep an external hard drive backup of your computer files, especially if you have a lot of important photos stored on your computer. If you have ever experienced a catastrophic failure of your system, you know how devastating it can be to lose all your photos and documents. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the reasons why you should invest in an external HD for your photo backups.

It’s a cheap way to protect your photos.
If you are a photographer, you know that photos are extremely valuable. Many people store their photos on their computer’s hard drive. While this can be an okay method of storage, it’s not the best way to protect your photos. You very well could have a computer malfunction, or the device could be stolen or damaged in a natural disaster. If you store your photos on an external hard drive, you can rest assured that they will be safe and sound should anything happen to your computer.
An external hard drive is easy to store and transport.
One of the great things about an external hard drive is that it’s so easy to store and transport. If you travel a lot and would like to take your photo collection with you, an external hard drive is the best way to do so. Most external hard drives are very light and small, so you can easily fit the device in your bag and take it with you on the go. If you travel a lot, you know that it’s a good idea to back up your photos to an external hard drive whenever you have internet access so that you can rest assured that your photos will be safe.
You can easily restore your photos from an external hard drive backup.
When your photos are stored in more than one location (e.g. on your computer’s hard drive and on an external hard drive), they are more likely to survive should a disaster strike. If your house were flooded or your computer suffered a disastrous failure, you could restore your photos from your external storage device. Your photos are safe and secure on your external storage device, so you don’t have to worry about losing them.
You do not need internet to back up your photos vs cloud drives
External hard drives are a great alternative to cloud storage. While cloud storage is a great way to keep your files safe, it’s not the most reliable way if you are without the internet like at a shoot in the country. When you use a cloud storage service, your data is stored online. This means that if the internet goes down or you are without internet, your data is instantly down too. With an external hard drive, your data is stored locally. This means that even if your internet goes out, you’ll still have access to your data.
Having an external hard drive means you do not need a large internal drive on your laptop
Computers come in many different shapes and sizes these days, and it is sometimes necessary to have a laptop. Having an external drive for your computer is a great way to save space on your laptop’s hard drive. Most laptops come with smaller hard drives, so having an external drive for your computer means you do not need a large internal drive. Having an external drive can save you the trouble of deleting old photos off of your computer to free up space.
An external hard drive is an easy way to keep track of when a project was taken
One of the best things about having a backup drive for your computer is that you can simply write the projects and the date that you took a photo on the drive. This is a great way to keep track of when a particular photo was taken. If you ever have a question about when a photo was taken, it is a very easy process to find out.
An external hard drive can be a great investment for your computer. It’s easy to store and transport, and it’s also super cheap. An external hard drive is a cheap way to protect your photos and gives you peace of mind knowing that you will always have access to them.