The digital age has made it easier than ever to take quick notes and hash out ideas. But the world is filled with smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops—which means it’s also full of distractions. Even the smartest among us lose their train of thought from time to time. That’s where a notebook comes in handy: It forces you to stay focused. That’s why I carry an essential notebook and pen everywhere I go. Check out my reasons why, and how you can do the same.

Why You Should Carry a Notebook and Pen
For Me carrying a notebook is a place for me to make a quick note, drawing, or idea. I love to always carry one with me as it means if I am in my fridge and need to remember to buy milk I can jot it down real quick. Having a notebook is handy for sketching out ideas for things I am building in my shop. this also lets me make notes of everything I need to purchase for said project. I am hopeless without my notebook. There’s nothing like writing by hand.
There’s Nothing like Writing by Hand
When you have a pen in your hand and a blank piece of paper at your disposal, you can’t help but put your all into it. You remember what you were trying to say, and you’re not distracted by other things. Even if you’re just jotting down some shopping lists, you remember what you were trying to say.
When you have a smartphone in your hand and a blank screen on your phone, it’s very easy to get distracted by other things. You check your email, you look at the news, and you see what the weather is like. Your mind flits from one thing to the next, and you don’t remember what it was that you were trying to say. Of course, this doesn’t mean that we should all throw away our smartphone note apps and go back to writing with pen and paper exclusively. But it does mean that we should be aware of how we are using our technologies, and try to use them to maximize our productivity rather than distract us from it.
Do you agree with this? Do you think that writing on screen is easier or harder than writing on paper? Have your say in the comments!
A Notebook Helps You Stay Organized
A notebook forces you to write down everything you see. Notes can be a grocery list, or a to-do list. It can be an idea for a blog post or an outline of a presentation that you’re giving. It can be anything. The notebook forces you to keep track of your ideas, to stay organized. It’s a way to hack your productivity and ensure you don’t miss out on any details. When you’re out and about, you can’t always look down at your phone. You can’t always be typing on a computer. You can’t always be using a scanner. When you have a notebook and a pen, you can track your ideas, keep track of your to-do list and write down the details of whatever you see. You only remember what’s written down, and you only remember what you see.
A notebook forces you to keep track of your ideas, to stay organized. It’s a way to hack your productivity and ensure you don’t miss out on any details. When you’re out and about, you can’t always look down at your phone. You can’t always be typing on a computer. You can’t always be using a scanner. When you have a notebook and a pen, you can track your ideas, keep track of your to-do list and write down the details of whatever you see. You only remember what’s written down, and you only remember what you see. A pen is always useful, even when it’s in a desk drawer. Having a notebook and pen with you is the best way to stay focused and be more productive. With these two tools, you can write down your ideas and stay organized.