You’ll probably agree with me that car crashes are some of the most traumatic experiences people can have. It doesn’t matter what kind of vehicle you’re in or how fast you were going when that accident occurred, it will always be devastating to witness. Hence, it’s no surprise that this type of scenario is featured so much in movies and television series.
Fortunately, car crashes aren’t as common as they used to be, but they still happen from time to time. If you believe your car insurance premiums will skyrocket the moment a claim is made because you didn’t have a dash cam installed on your car at the time of the accident, then you’re absolutely right! Luckily, dash cams are affordable these days and there are plenty of different models under $100 if you don’t mind basic functions. Here are 5 reasons why a dash cam is so important in any driver’s arsenal:

You Need Video Evidence of a Car Crash
In times like these where everyone is on edge due to so many car accidents recently, it’s even more important than ever to have video evidence of every car crash. By having this footage, you can verify that the other driver was at fault, as well as offer proof of the condition of your vehicle at the time of the accident. For example, if you were the primary driver of the vehicle during the crash, you’ll want to make sure that you’re fully covered by your car insurance. However, there are also a few other reasons why you’d want to shoot video footage of your car crash. First, you could potentially use this footage as part of your insurance claim. In most cases, your personal injury lawyer will want to see video footage of the car crash.
You Need Audio Evidence of a Car Crash
If you don’t have video evidence of your car crash, the other driver will have the upper hand when it comes to the insurance claims process. However, by installing a dash cam, you can make all the difference. This is because dash cams can capture both audio and video during an accident. This means that you have a chance of capturing the audio of the other driver’s blunder, as well as any 911 calls that are made. This is incredibly helpful as it will allow you to double-check the details of your car accident, as well as any physical damage to your vehicle. This can help you determine how much you should be seeking from your insurance company, as well as what physical damage the other driver’s vehicle sustained during the accident.
A Dash Cam Can Help You Negotiate with Your Insurance Company
If you’ve been in an accident that resulted in significant damage to your vehicle, then it’s likely that your insurance company will put a claim on your record. This means that in the future, your insurance company will automatically raise your premium by around $300-$500 per year. There are a number of reasons why your insurance premium may go up after an accident. However, if you were able to produce audio and video footage from your dash cam, then you’ll likely be able to negotiate the claim down. This is because insurance companies typically prefer to settle claims for a small amount of money rather than risk a lawsuit.
A Dash Cam Helps Keep you Secure While Driving
Most people are really attached to their smartphones when they’re behind the wheel. Some people even keep their devices on the steering wheel while they’re driving. While this might have been a smart thing to do a few years ago, it’s actually a huge distraction while you’re trying to take the wheel. In fact, a recent study found that simply switching your attention to the road for a few seconds reduces your risk of a wreck by a whopping 50%. A dash cam can help you avoid any potential driving distractions that could put you and your passengers in danger. This includes keeping an eye on your smartphone, as well as adjusting your music.
A Dash Cam Can Protect Property in the Event of an Accident
One of the most important reasons to have a dash cam in your car is to protect your property. Sometimes, car accidents can result in significant damage to property, such as your home. At this time, you’ll need to hire a professional to fix the damage done to your house. Unfortunately, hiring a property damage liability claims adjuster can get really expensive really fast. Thankfully, you can use your dash cam to protect your house during an accident. This is because you can use your dash cam to capture any 911 calls that are made about the accident, as well as any police reports. This way, insurance companies won’t be able to make a claim against your home.
In conclusion, the best car dash cams can help protect you from expensive insurance claims, keep you secure while driving, help keep you safe from driving distractions, as well as protect your property during accidents. They can also help keep you safe and secure, reducing your chances of getting into an accident. Now that you know what a dash cam is and how it can help you, it’s time to figure out which model to buy. If you’re ready to find the best dash cam for your vehicle, then you’ve come to the right place.